Jelly beans Peanut brittle (weight)


Shelf life
9 month
Package weight
2,5 kg
Type of packaging
Quantity per pack

Peanuts in chocolate glaze — tasty and healthy delicacy, which is in great demand among our customers. It is moderately sweet confection is original, not sugary taste and consumed as a beverage, and without them. It is served for dessert, used as a hearty snack at work or school, and take with you on a trip.

En. value (kcal.)

Despite its small size, the nut has a high caloric content and quickly restores the strength of the body. The chocolate glaze makes the confection is sweet and very tasty.
Despite its caloric content, the delicacy is considered to be very useful for health, since peanuts contain many substances necessary for the body:
35 % easily digestible proteins;Biotin and glutenins;vitamins D, E, group B.
At the same time, the nut is completely free of cholesterol, but contains a large amount of antioxidants. This makes the product very useful for the prevention of cardiovascular and some other diseases.

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